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Rauscher In his book -The Mind Readers- (2002) gives a surveyof very many mentalists.

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It became the most comprehensive book ever written on the subject of Mentalism - and it remaIns 80 today, Colinda's book is so crammed full of instructions and Information that it is said today that anybody can be a top-class mentalist simplyby reading his 13 Steps,

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He explained how to make some props yoursetf and his book discussed psychology, misdirection, stagecraft, presentation and the theory and principles behind a vast array of techniques for performing Mentalists. He told readers what to say and when to say it.

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He not only told his readers what effectsto do, he would go Intofine detail, and explain exactly howto perform them. Rightfrom the eartydays Corinda's book captured the imagination of Mentalists, It was the only book up to that time which did much more than any other book on the subject, He gave his readers mental effectsto perform and routines to bund into an act, as did some other books: notabty, "Practical MentalEffects" by Theodore Annemann (published by Max Holden in USA in1944).

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Altogether, It meant a ~Step course of instruction for completebeginnerto professional - in the Art of performing Mentalism. When the book becamethirteen chapters, Corineta stin persisted In calling them 'Steps' - a word in keeping, with his intention that each 'Step' should be a Jesson in Mentalism. He also produced books for Tony Slydini and Dai Vernon, WithoutHarry'ssupport, Ccrinda admits, he would never have been able to produce his book. His publisher (Harry Clarke of London) was himselfa magician and was a publisher who owned a large print works. But by the time he had reached the last Step (No ,13) he had already sold hundreds of cop ies of the full book which is now known worldwide as "The Thirteen Steps to Mentalism", After Step (No.13) he ceased issuing the indivi dua l booklets- and sold the completed book - bound into one volume of 428 pages.

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Had he caUed the booklets 'Chapters', as is customary, he would have to wait until the complete series had been wrillen before he sold ij. (See the original 'Advert' on the last page of this Supplem en~. This was a rathe r clever manoeuvre by Corinda because it enabled him to sell his boo k before ij was fully written. Wrth ij, I send greetings to all my readers.Įach issue of a booklet was called a 'Step' and each one dealt with a specific fiekJ of Mentalism. This Suppiement records the history of the bookĪnd reflects some of the changes since it was first published. Much has changed since then but the book is still widely on sale. The picture above was printed nearly fifty years ago In my book, The Thirteen Slaps to Mentelism. It was originally published and distributed as a 'Series of Booklets', These we re issued, more or less, on a monthly basis.Ĭ.ORINO.

13 steps to mentalism free download

Corinda was the author and It was writt en by him between 19. Roy Sinclair Corinda's Thirteen Steps to Mentalism is a fa scinating boo k and the history of it is j ust as interesting. In U.K.)įORWARD (The H istory of Corinda and The 13 Steps) I Price £2.50 (Supplied free when you buy the 13 Step.

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